Phone: 503.863.0774
[email protected]
In the event of a mental health crisis, dial 911, or contact (all are available 24/7):
Si tiene una necesidad de salud mental que es urgente, marque el 911 o llame (24/7):
Multnomah County Crisis Line: 503.988.4888
Clackamas County Crisis Line: 503.655.8585
Portland Women's Crisis Line: 503.235.5333
[email protected]
In the event of a mental health crisis, dial 911, or contact (all are available 24/7):
Si tiene una necesidad de salud mental que es urgente, marque el 911 o llame (24/7):
Multnomah County Crisis Line: 503.988.4888
Clackamas County Crisis Line: 503.655.8585
Portland Women's Crisis Line: 503.235.5333